Cracked Spines
Crack open a good book with two wise-cracking besties. Sarah and Cyrus are two queer English majors who use their degrees to commit crimes against literature.
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Cracked Spines
Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix
Our favorite horror writer is back at it again! This week we read Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix, a truly harrowing mixture of pregnancy horror, social horror, and eels. In this episode, as you can probably imagine, we talk a lot about abortion rights, fucked up pregnancy stuff, and infanticide. Like honestly probably way too much discussion of infanticide, oopsie, sorry about that. Proceed with caution accordingly.
More pregnancy/motherhood/baby horror recs:
- Nestlings by Nat Cassidy
- Immaculate (2024)
- The First Omen (2024)
- Huesera: The Bone Woman (2022) (Note from Cyrus: I forgot to mention this one on the episode but IT'S SO GOOD PLEASE WATCH IT. One of the rare movies that actually made me scream aloud)
And lastly, if you want to read/listen to Cyrus's story mentioned at the end of this episode, it's not about pregnancy but it is very much horror: Hemorrhage on Pseudopod.org (not .com as we say on the podcast, I'm a fool)